Family and Friends
If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the virtual learning options or would like to learn more about a topic, please email Leslie Hoskins or give her a call at 248-650-7104.
Preparing Your Home for a Guide Dog
Are you preparing for your friend or family member to bring home a Leader Dog? Learn what you can do to help with this transition. It's important not only that everyone behaves appropriately but also critical to make sure the home environment is ready and safe for a dog.
Supporting a Leader Dog Client After Training
Find out how you can be supportive and help your family member or friend after they participate in a Leader Dog program. This presentation outlines what to expect when training is complete, transitioning to the home environment, when to offer assistance and more.
What is O&M?
Have you heard the term "O&M" but have no idea what it means? Learn about orientation and mobility (also known as white cane training) and about Leader Dog's unique approach to white cane training.
Client Testimonials
Here clients will share their Leader Dog training stories in hopes of encouraging others. Three clients will express their sentiments towards Leader Dog and how they only wish they would have attended training sooner!
Family Testimonials
Family members and friends are sometimes nervous when their loved one leaves for training. These stories will help ease your nerves and get you excited about the life-changing experience your family member or friend is going to have!
Campus Tour
Check out the Leader Dog campus and where people stay during training! Here you will get an inside look at the canine development center, including the vet clinic, canine villages, puppy area and more, and the residence building.
Programs and Services FAQs
Do you have some questions about Leader Dog and our programs and services? We've taken some of our most frequently asked questions and had our experts answer them! If you have additional questions please send them our way and we'll be happy to answer them for you!
When is it Time to Consider Using a White Cane?
How do you know when it's the right time to get a white cane? Where do you get a white cane and how do you learn how to use it? During this short presentation you will learn the history of the white cane and how or when to get started.
Making a Guide Dog Application Video for Leader Dog
Getting ready to apply for training at Leader Dog? Leader Dog requires a video with your application to find out more about your mobility skills and prep the best training for each applicant. View a sample application video and learn what is important to include and some tips and tricks for the videographer.
What to Expect When Applying to Leader Dog
Have you ever wondered about the application process for Leader Dog programs? This video shares what to expect when applying to Leader Dog including what to bring and how to prepare.
Descriptive Yoga
Have you ever considered trying yoga? This video provides a one-hour descriptive yoga session provided by yoga instructor, Heidi Hess. Heidi walks participants through some common yoga poses that can be beneficial for body awareness, balance and strength.
The Unique Matching Process of Handler and Guide Dog
Have you ever wondered how guide dog mobility instructors (GDMI) find the perfect guide dog for individuals who are blind or visually impaired? During this video you will learn what GDMIs look for in both the client and guide dog and how complete the unique matching process.
Human Guide for Individuals Who are Blind or Visually Impaired
Wondering how you can help someone who is blind or visually impaired? Learn how to offer assistance and help guide someone safely. You can also download our human guide brochure for handy techniques.
Teen Opportunities at Leader Dogs for the Blind
Do you know a teenager who is blind or visually impaired and looking to learn more about orientation and mobility or guide dogs? This video discusses the programs at Leader Dog specific to teens including our Youth O&M and Teen Summer Camp.
Life Cycle of a Leader Dog: Breeding
The breeding department discusses our breeding program and why we breed our own dogs. A volunteer breeding host shares their experiences as they prepare to return their most recent litter of puppies.
Life Cycle of a Leader Dog: Puppy Raising
Our puppy development department explains some new options for raising a puppy, and a puppy raiser shares about their puppy raising journey.
Life Cycle of a Leader Dog: Formal Training
The training department discusses our formal training process and what it takes to become a Leader Dog. They also discuss why a dog may be career changed from the program.
Life Cycle of a Leader Dog: Class
Learn about the Leader Dog class experience and the final phase of the life cycle of a Leader Dog. Clients are matched with a guide dog and learn how to navigate the world together.