Veterinary Externship
We are proud to share our mission and our passion for working dogs and their human companions with students willing to learn. Our organization can offer a unique perspective from that of a private practice, including kennel management, husbandry practices, theriogenology, puppy development and training, as well as cutting edge technology utilized by an experienced veterinary staff.
Our veterinary clinic is staffed Monday through Friday from 8 a.m.–4:30 p.m. We expect our veterinary students to be here during those hours. Occasionally we have emergency duties that call us in after hours. The students have the option to be present at these cases if desired.
Housing is available in our residence facility, as long as there is a current class of clients on campus to receive their new dogs. A private room with a private bathroom is provided. There is WiFi available and a small refrigerator in the room. The kitchen staff will offer you breakfast and dinner if their staff is in session. There is no fee for housing thanks to a grant from the Kenneth A. Scott Charitable Trust.
There is no stipend.
On an average day, we see 15–20 dogs for exam, and 6–8 dogs for anesthetic procedures. Several days a month we will see 40+ dogs per day. We average 12 spays/neuters per week plus numerous other surgical procedures. Our practice is limited to the dogs in our program. Most of our patients are Labrador retrievers or golden retrievers, ages 2–18 months.
If you are interested in an externship at Leader Dog as a veterinary student or veterinary technician student, contact our assistant director of canine health at 888-777-5332 or at leaderdog@leaderdog.org.
- Learn more about our veterinary services
- Read about a past externship experience