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A woman walks on a grass and tree lined sidewalk on a sunny day. She is smiling and navigating with a white cane.


We want to collaborate with you and your organization to provide services to more individuals who are blind or visually impaired. Leader Dog’s one-week orientation and mobility program is a great option to boost your client's foundational skills quickly and get them back home to generalize skills and work on specific routes with you. By working together, we can serve more clients and provide cohesive training. Clients who could benefit from free O&M training at Leader Dog include:

  • Clients in the US and Canada who are legally blind 
  • Clients who are 16 years or older 
  • Clients who don’t qualify for vocational services
  • Clients who have minimal hours of training available but still need more training 
  • Clients who could benefit from FREE O&M training, including travel and equipment 
  • Clients who can spend one week away from home 

Want to learn more about Leader Dog programs or how we can collaborate with you? Request an agency toolkit to explore more information and resources.

Curious on how to work with a client who has a guide dog? Maybe you could use some more continuing education credits for your ACVREP certification. Check out our Virtual Learning resources.

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We'd love to chat with you. If you're interested in having a speaker from Leader Dog share program information with a support group or professionals at your agency, you can request a virtual speaker. If you're hosting a future event when our travel activities may no longer be affected by COVID-19, you can also request an in-person speaker.

Still have questions? Want to discuss whether a client would be a good fit or how to help a client apply? Email our Outreach Services and Community Engagement Manager Leslie Hoskins or give her a call at 248-650-7104.

Agency Partners

Leader Dog has partnered with the following agencies to provide O&M services for our clients: