Virtual Learning
Leader Dog's virtual learning opportunities are a resource for everyone, whether you're thinking about applying for services or already have, you've graduated from a Leader Dog program, or you're a family member or friend of someone who is visually impaired.
Choose from the categories of videos below that most interest you. You'll notice that some of the learning options are available and apply to multiple groups. We do ask that you complete the registration and follow-up surveys where applicable. It's a huge help to us as we look to improve these resources with your feedback.
If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the virtual learning options or would like to learn more about a topic, please email Leslie Hoskins or give her a call at 248.650.7104.
Collaboration Events
Collaboration Events are an opportunity to spotlight other organizations within the blindness and low vision field to learn about additional available resources. While Leader Dog has many programs and services to offer, we are not alone and there are numerous other organizations that could be of great benefit to our contacts. These events are held the last Wednesday of every month at 3 p.m. EST and are open to anyone. Visit our Collaboration Events page to view recordings of all Collaboration Events to date. You can also preregister for upcoming events.