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My Volunteer Experience

Happy National Volunteer Week to all my fellow volunteers!

My name is Margaret Lopez, and I am a Volunteer Engagement Assistant for the Puppy Development and Breeding Departments. Through this role I learned about being a breeding host for Leader Dog. My husband and I are currently breeding hosts for Leader Dog Mom Kaiya! I am excited about both of my volunteer roles at Leader Dogs for the Blind (LDB).

I began to search for volunteer opportunities at Leader Dog after seeing a Facebook post from the 2023 Dinner in the Dark event. I retired in late 2022 from a lengthy career in healthcare, so I had a lot of time on my hands. I grew up in Rochester, MI and was familiar with LDB and I wanted to volunteer in my community.

Since I became a volunteer at LDB I have learned so much about the organization and that LDB reaches beyond the immediate community. I have learned that volunteers at LDB make tremendous daily commitments to the organization. Every volunteer contributes to making a positive difference for LDB clients and their families. Whether volunteering in all the various areas on-campus or as off-campus as puppy raisers and breeding hosts we support the Leader Dog mission. I am always so amazed when I talk to some of you who have raised 30 plus Future Leader Dogs and enthusiastically welcome your next puppy. Also hearing from other breeding hosts who love this aspect of volunteering and have helped bring so many future Leader Dogs into the world. I am touched by the support from other hosts who have reached out through Facebook. I have had the opportunity to meet great people at various events. I am so grateful for the opportunity to volunteer at Leader Dogs for the Blind. I also feel appreciated and supported by the organization especially Anne Preston, Melissa Pletcher from volunteer engagement,  Dana Hunter, Alex Guigar and Sam McCormick from the breeding department.