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A yellow lab puppy lies on a floor with its face close to the camera

Puppy Raiser Resources

Links and Downloads

Puppy Pick-up and Drop-Off

Tentative Puppy Raiser/Client Visit Dates 2024

Official notice of your raiser/client visit will be given when dogs are issued to clients in class. The dates listed below are tentative and subject to change.

Class #24-07:
January 27
Class #24-08:
March 2
Class #24-09:
March 30
Class #24-10 DB:
April 20
Class #24-11:
May 18
Class #24-12:
June 15
Class #25-01:
July 27
Class #25-02:
August 17
Class #25-03 DB:
September 14
Class #25-04:
October 12
Class #25-05:
November 9
Class #25-06:
December 14
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Who Do I Contact?

The puppy development coordinators support the puppy raising process from start to finish. Your assigned coordinator will support you with puppy placement, puppy pick-up appointments, dog training support, obtaining equipment (puppy jackets, bandanas, etc.), and questions regarding the Prison Puppies initiative.

Laura Fisher sitting with a Leader Dog.

Laura Fisher
Puppy Development Coordinator
(248) 218-6422

Puppy placement, pick-up, equipment, and dog training advice.

Vijay Joshi holding a German shepherd puppy.

Vijay Joshi
Puppy Development Coordinator
(248) 218-6091

Puppy placement, pick-up, equipment, and dog training advice.

Barrie Lynn Wood 300

Barrie Lynn Wood
Puppy Development Coordinator
(248) 650-7114

Puppy placement, pick-up, equipment, and dog training advice.

Alison Green smiling.

Allison Green
Puppy Development Coordinator
(248) 218-6686

Puppy placement, pick-up, equipment, and dog training advice.

Dana Hunter holding a puppy.

Dana Hunter
Breeding Program Manager
(248) 218-6327

Breeding stock, puppy or dog donations.

Canine Development Center Administrator
(248) 650-7108

Dog returns, puppy questionnaires, grad letters, updates on dogs in training.

Other Contacts

For questions about health or medical concerns, contact the veterinary department at 248-218-6308  (or 888-777-5332 extension 1118).

The Puppy Raiser Advisory Committee is a volunteer group that addresses puppy raiser concerns. You can contact the committee at PuppyAdvisory@leaderdog.org.

The Canine Development Puppy Raiser/Breeding Host Facebook page is a closed group available to puppy raisers and breeding hosts. You must have a Facebook profile and be an active volunteer to be a part of the group. This is a fun social platform that is a great way to connect with other puppy raisers and breeding host families.


The health and wellness of everyone involved with Leader Dog (clients, puppy raisers, breeding hosts, volunteers, and staff) continues to be our top priority. Please continue to take the necessary precautions needed during this time. All dogs in the canine center continue to be expertly cared for by Leader Dog staff.

Puppy Training

Our puppy development team remains available to assist with your questions and concerns as they work remotely. While the pandemic requires that we still operate with restrictions, please note that attending monthly Puppy Counselor functions is not a required function. Please make sure you are reaching out to your counselor with issues and concerns regarding your puppy.  Should you wish to attend any outings that are held, it will certainly benefit your puppy and you going forward.

We are excited to share that we have created an e-learning experience with puppy raiser modules. We hope that this will be a fun, interactive tool that will act as additional support to what our Puppy Counselors and Coordinators provide. Please take some time to visit the following link: https://www.leaderdog.org/volunteer/raise-a-puppy/puppyraisers/learning-modules/. These modules were made possible through a generous grant we received directed at providing additional educational material for puppy raisers.  We hope you enjoy this style of learning and refer to it often.

Leader Dog Veterinary Clinic

The veterinary clinic will maintain their current operations. Puppies of all ages are being seen for vaccine appointments. You can call the clinic at 248-218-6308 to make your appointment. You will receive safe social distancing instructions for vet visits in an email from the clinic confirming your appointment. The clinic will continue to be available for all emergency and urgent care needs.

Inability to Find Dog Food

If you are unable to find your dog’s regular food and are forced to make a shift in nutrition, please follow the recommendations below to change their food.

  1. Make the change gradually over a period of at least three days.
  2. On day one, feed 2/3 current food and 1/3 new food.
  3. On day two, feed 1/2 current food and 1/2 new food.
  4. On day three, feed 1/3 current food and 2/3 new food.
  5. On day four, feed 100% new food.

There may be a temporary change in your dog's stool, but this should not last longer than 48 hours.

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